Using Google analytics on Astro

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If you’ve been keeping up with the extensive number of tools to build your website with; you may have come across Astro — the all-in-one web framework designed for speed.

Like a number of similar frameworks1; Astro embraces the server-first approach by rendering HTML on the server making websites faster to load. This makes Astro perfect for content-focused websites.

I recently needed to add a Google Analytics tracking tag to a fun Astro project and this is how I did it.

All about the layout

I needed to add the script tags to the layout so they get rendered on pages using the layout. But rather than pasting the analytics scripts right into the layout template I created a component that gets rendered in production only.

import Analytics from "components/analytics.astro"
const isProd = import.meta.env.MODE === 'production';

  ... {isProd &&
  <Analytics />

Analytics component

The component itself needed to be reusable so I extracted the tag ID to an environment variable named GTAG

const tagId = import.meta.env.GTAG;

	<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->
	<script is:inline async src=`${tagId}`></script>
	<script is:inline define:vars={{ tagId: tagId }}>
		window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
		function gtag() {
		gtag('js', new Date());

		gtag('config', tagId);

You may have noticed the define:vars directive on the second script tag — this allows us to use server-side variables inside <script> and <style> tags.

We use the is:inline directive for the script to be rendered inline on the HTML.

You could alternatively pass the variables manually through data attributes data-* and then reading the values with this.dataset.[variable-name]

Cover photo: a red and white rocket ship flying through the sky — Andy Hermawan


  1. Frameworks like GatsbyJs or NextJs